Prepuna Nova Iskra Dorćol na sinoćnjem otvaranju jesenje sezone ASAP događaja govori nam da su celoj zajednici nedostajali ovi susreti.
Želeli bi smo da se zahvalimo našim ASAPartnerima iz Wienerberger Srbija što su našim članovima predstavili koncept arhitektonskog konkursa Brick Awards kao i što su prisutnima podelili zaista fenomenalno monografsko izdanje Brick 22.
Zajednici su se predstavile naše nove firme članice, Baza Studio, Bina Studio , Plat.form.a, Supra Architecture , govorili su o svojim počecima, projektima na kojima trenutno rade ili su posebno ponosni kao i o razlozima zbog kojih su postali deo ASAP. Zahvaljujemo im što su svoja iskustva podelili sa nama, našim partnerima i prijateljima Asocijacije.
Pre skoro godinu dana, na meet-up održanom u Kragujevcu sa temom “Arhitektura i autorsko pravo”, započeli smo saradnju sa OAD Stojković. Sinoćnim razgovorom sa gospodinom Dušanom Stojkovićem zaokružili smo ovu temu i kao konkretni proizvod te saradnje predstavljeni su ugovori koje će naše članice moći da koriste u svom poslovanju.
I na samom kraju večeri, koktel na krovnoj terasi Nova Iskra Dorćol i uživanje zajedničkom druženju i prelepoj beogradskoj letnjoj noći.
The crowd at Nova Iskra Dorćol at last night’s opening of the autumn season of ASAP events tells us that the whole community missed these meetings.
We would like to thank our ASAPartners from Wienerberger Srbija for presenting the concept of the Brick Awards architectural competition to our members, as well as for sharing the truly phenomenal Brick 22 monographic edition with the attendees.
Our new members, Baza Studio, Bina Studio , Plat.form.a, Supra Architecture, introduced themselves to the community, talked about their beginnings, projects they are currently working on or are particularly proud of, as well as the reasons why they became part of ASAP. We are grateful to them for sharing their experiences with us, our partners and friends of the Association.
Almost a year ago, at a meet-up held in Kragujevac with the theme „Architecture and Copyright“, we started cooperation with OAD Stojković. Last night’s conversation with Mr. Dušan Stojković rounded off this topic, and as a concrete product of that cooperation, contracts were presented that our members will be able to use in their business.
And at the very end of the evening, a cocktail on the roof terrace of Nova Iskra Dorćol and enjoyment of socializing and a beautiful Belgrade summer night.